Once again since I have no pictures from a year ago here is one of my favorites from May 23rd. If you don't know my family there are some big ears among us, I would say this was the beginning of me wondering when they would stop sticking out.
Well for some reason I have no pictures of Cooper from mid march until early May...bad mom. How is it possible to take 250 pictures the first week of his life and none the 3rd month? So this is a flashback from May 1 of last year when he got to see his great grandma for the first time.
Here are Cooper's doggies that he has been enjoying lately. We have fondly grown to rename them our geriatrics because that is exactly what they are. You wouldn't know that Buddy on the right is a full size dog comparing him to Bailey. I'm not sure how they will look after a summer of Cooper eating his meals on the back patio, perhaps more like grizzly bears.
Well here it is, I'm going to say on week 6 or is this week 10??? Oh well, wasn't it worth the wait! It even comes with a pool boy. Okay, it was too dark when he was done to get a good picture without him in it, but after all he does deserve a lot of the credit. If you were a one year old don't you think you would want to spend all of your outdoor time in that? I'm sure the dog kennel will still take the winning prize.
Well I have to admit Cooper needed to know what the real meaning of what an easter egg is. I showed him at home and he performed perfectly at the hunt, eating every egg before it entered his basket.